Prevue’s Best Practices Summit kicked off our live event series for 2021 this week at the Dallas/Plano Marriott at Legacy Place.
Educational sessions at the Best Practices Summit focused on 5 areas of meeting planning: negotiating, contracting, data, safety and security, and ethics. Attendees had a chance to learn from their peers who have restarted in-person meetings about their challenges and to learn from the Summit itself, which was designed to be a model for safety.
The experts at Emergency Concierge International created a master plan that included a daily health questionnaire and temperature check, as well as an on-site “Incident Commander” who was available 24 hours a day. All attendees submitted to “proximity tracing” provided by Vital Circle, which monitors how close they are to each other and for what period of time—information that can then be used in the event that an attendee turns positive for COVID-19. ECI’s Co-founder Desi Whitney also headed up one of the sessions.
Many thanks to our partners—Alan Paoletti of AP Magic; International Gifting Company, who provided Texas-themed amenities; Your Social Mask for their “cocktail masks” with room for a straw; Vital Circle, who managed our “proximity tracing”; SpeakInc; and the Dallas/Plano Marriott at Legacy Place, who rolled out the red carpet for our guests—as well as our speakers: Creative Group’s Melissa Van Dyke, Meeting Sites Resource’s Katie Muck, and Linda Swindling, who taught the group how to be “Master Requesters.”

Last but not least, a big Texas thank you to our sponsors: Visit Plano, Visit Frisco, Destination El Paso, South Padre Island CVB and Caesars Entertainment!

Our next Prevue Visionary Summit is the Innovate! Summit June 27-28 at Eau Palm Beach. Learn more here.