Leading Remote Teams: New Podcast from SITE Women IN Leadership


The just-released first episode of SITE’s “20 Minutes of Women IN Leadership” podcast, in partnership with Prevue, focuses on fostering an environment of creativity and cooperation among remote teams.

The Society for Incentive Travel Excellence’s Women IN Leadership Committee just rolled out the first of a a four-part podcast series featuring candid conversations with women leaders, moderated by Prevue Editor Barbara Scofidio. The podcast’s two guests were Joanie Phillips, CITP, and Director, Purchasing & Design Travel & Events for One10, and Norma Dean, Director Speciality Sales at Delta Airlines.

Communication is the key to leading remotely, said the panelists. “I would say that was one of the lessons I learned the hard way,” said Phillips. “I realized I was relying too heavily on email for communication and there were a couple of missteps. Things can easily get misinterpreted. So, not too far into going remote, I started having regular one-on-one calls with each member of my team and I made an effort to call each person each day, even if it was for just a quick minute, so at least I was engaging voice-to-voice. And then we tried to set up some virtual happy hours and other fun things.”

“If anything, there’s been kind of a communication overload that you have to settle into,” added Dean, “because you have email, instant messaging, texting, Webex and Team meetings, and you have the telephone. And now you throw in in-person meetings. So as this whole environment evolved into this hybrid and where you feel most comfortable, it’s a juggling act of communication, and are you sure you’re getting the consistent message out to all people?”

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Hear more about how to measure the productivity of virtual teams, remote teambuilding ideas and much more on the 20 Minutes of Women IN Leadership Podcast.

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