Hard Rock International: Sustainable-Focused Experience

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Hard Rock International

As a dedication to its motto to help “Save the Planet,” Hard Rock International is partnering with Clean the World, a global leader in WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) and sustainability, to offer the MICE community the exciting opportunity to book a one-of-a-kind meetings experience that encourages team-building while giving back to the community, reducing waste and helping those in need.

“We are proud to engage with partners like Clean the World that make such a huge impact in our communities and around the world,” said Danielle Babilino, senior v.p. of global sales and marketing for Hard Rock Hotels & Casinos, in a statement. “Hard Rock is committed to corporate social responsibility and through this partnership we can offer high social impact at a low cost, while promoting strong team-building.”

With Clean the World’s Hygiene Kit Events, groups can work in teams to build hygiene kits, providing guests with the opportunity to engage in a collaborative activity that promotes interpersonal interaction and sustainability, all lending a helping hand to others in need. The kits are comprised of recycled soap collected by CTW from across the globe, including from Hard Rock properties, and coupled with hygiene supplies including shampoos, conditioners, lotions, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors and washcloths, along with an inspirational card. Through the program, meetings groups can also create a variety of specialty kits, including women’s, children’s and veteran-specific hygiene kits. Once completed, the hygiene kits are donated to homeless shelters, disaster relief efforts or a charity of choice.

For more information, visit hardrockhotels.com.


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