Looking for Meeting Industry Research? Look No Further

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Our white paper shows how to get more creative with your F&B.

If you’re looking for meeting industry research on topics ranging from Duty of Care to Experiential Meetings to Wellness, check out our online research page.

The following meeting industry research studies and white papers are downloadable from Prevue’s web site, with additional ones being added year-round:

Risky Business: Duty of Care Survey: Our latest research is the first-ever survey of 100 corporate meeting planners’ risk management practices and how they use organizational policies and procedures that ensure the safety and security of attendees. Available here.

Integrating Wellness Into Meetings & Events: This downloadable white paper features the latest trends and best-in-class practices for integrating wellness into your next event, based findings from our MeetWell Summit in January.  Also see the IRF’s research study on hotel and planner practices around wellness at events, available here. 

Two Sides to the Story: Research on the Hotel-Planner Relationship: Talk to any planner or hotel salesperson and they will tell you that the meetings industry is a relationship business. We teamed up with the Incentive Research Foundation to put that statement to the test with the first-ever survey asking both sides the same questions about how they work together.

Build a Sense of Place Into Your Meeting: Here are dozens of ideas for making meetings more experiential, based on takeaways from Prevue’s New York Summit. This downloadable white paper was sponsored by CWT Meetings and Events.

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