A CVB is an invaluable partner when marketing a destination to attendees. In the Destination Marketing Insights from Meeting Executives survey released by Fulcrum Marketing earlier this year, 48 percent of the 398 planners responding said they are working more closely with CVBs and DMOs than they have in the past. Here are 5 ways to tap destination partners to assist with your event.
1. Request financial incentives and subsidies from local CVBs or DMOs.
Meeting planners who don’t have a big budget can always request financial incentives and subsidies from a destination. They won’t always be able to fulfill the request, but it never hurts to ask.
2. Solicit in-destination sponsorship and industry-specific intelligence for added value.
More and more conference organizers are turning to in-destination companies to help sponsor events or add some sort of added value for the conference. CVBs or DMOs can often help make those connections.
3. Work with organizations that have digital/downloadable information and interactive maps.
Most CVBs and DMOs have downloadable information and interactive maps for meeting planners to provide to their clients and conference attendees.
4. Find a CVB or DMO that’s very active on social media.
Meeting planners are really starting to lean on these organizations for marketing support. CVBs or DMOs that are very active on social media provide added value in terms of marketing.
5. Stay up to date.
Destination organizations that send out regular newsletters not only keep meeting planners up to date but help promote the destination. A free citywide event—San Francisco’s Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Music Festival, for instance—can help sell a destination to groups looking for entertainment at little or no cost.