Hyperlocal Meetings Heat Up in New Zealand’s Geothermal Valley
Unique culinary experiences in Te Whakarewarewa, a geothermal valley supporting a premiere Maori cultural center in New Zealand, date back over 700 years.
Blurring the Lines Between Hotel and Art Gallery at Design Hotels
These six hotels located around the globe raise the bar for art promotion and preservation, featuring innovative art programs that turn the business of the hotelier into a creative field in its own right.
1 Day in Nashville (an itinerary with shazam)
Nashville's rich culture and history makes for countless opportunities for immersive group experiences.
5 Modern Historic Venues for Meeting in Istanbul
As an ancient city, culture and history combine with sophisticated modernity for planners meeting in Istanbul.
A Walk Through Time at the Inn at Little Washington
Located in Virginia’s historic town of Washington, the AAA Five-Diamond Inn at Little Washington flaunts the town’s lavish side as it was in the 18th century.
Top of the Rock: Branson’s Authentic View
Local history, traditions and the timeless landscapes of the Ozark Mountains are forefront at Top of the Rock, Big Cedar Lodge’s new clifftop outpost.
Magical Meetings in Diagon Alley
And don’t think just any word or wand waving will do. As my group learned, spell work is taken very seriously in Diagon.
1 Hotels South Beach is ‘Design by Nature’
“Luxury is not derived from extravagance, but from recognizing the simple, abundant natural beauty that surrounds us.”