The Secret to Blending Learning and Networking
Watch as Sharon Fisher, CEO & Chief IdeaSparker, offers insight on how to gain knowledge to turn attendees into participants and provide a higher return on attendance by intertwining networking and learning.
Featured Speaker:
Sharon Fisher, a professional experience-maker, is the CEO & Chief IdeaSparker of Play with a Purpose, a company devoted to creating more fun, creative and hands-on events. After getting a degree in “whistle blowing” she put the power of play to work and has built a multi-million dollar business using fun and participation to create results driven meetings.
The Orlando Chamber of Commerce named her company one of the Top 25 Best Places to Work, proving that her passion for play works. With clients as diverse as Disney, GSK, Feld Entertainment, Maritz, Nike, Met Life, the Buena Vista Palace and even the North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission, thinking different is a part of daily life.