Celebrate Women

Celebrate WomenInternational Women’s Day when we celebrate women is celebrated on the 8th of March every year and this year’s theme is, “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights.” The purpose of the day is to celebrate women’s achievements, recognize challenges, and focus attention on women’s rights and gender equality.

Why is March 8 the designated day to celebrate women you may ask? Ironically, it was on this day in 1917 that tens of thousands of Russian women took to the streets demanding change. It was Russia who then set the March 8 trend.

Celebrating women should not just be a daylong effort. It should happen each and every day. In many instances, women who have aimed for the upper echelons of management in the meetings and incentives industry have encountered roadblocks along the way. In many cases, the glass ceiling, the invisible barrier that blocks women from top jobs, still exists.

Through hard work and determination the women we profiled have crashed through the glass ceiling.

Sit back and enjoy reading about these five incredible women. If you feel you , or someone you work with, is worthy of such a profile, please drop me a line at [email protected]

Carina Bauer All in the Family

Jennifer Glynn Gives Back

Sheila Johnson Speaks Out 

Janet Traphagen Helps Others

Naomi Umhey’s Rise to the Top

Celebrate Generation Equality


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