Introducing the LGBT Meeting Professionals Association

LGBTQThe LGBT Meeting Professionals Association was founded to connect, empower and advance the events community through LGBT+ advocacy, education, research, idea exchange and networking.

The first and only organization solely committed to connecting, advancing and empowering the LGBT+ meeting professional, the LGBT MPA provides the opportunity for its members’ unique voices to be uplifted, and represents and educates the industry on a broad range of topics pertaining to inclusion and diversity. Its research-driven data provides a more meaningful understanding of our community while sharing best practices for industry leadership.

As a community-based association, with an international membership, the association hosts in-person and virtual events, including the upcoming Capital Pride Parade on Saturday June 8 and networking receptions at PCMA eduCon and IMEX, among other industry events. Learn more and find a 2024 calendar here.

The Directory of Partners is a valuable tool for your site selection, listing CVBs who are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, and the SPARKS newsletter is a free resource listing LGBT MPA updates, events industry news and articles, and updates impacting the global LGBTQIA+ community.

Join now at this link.

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