Event Planning Course for Aspiring Millionaires

An event-planning course recently launched by best-selling meetings industry author and 20-year planning veteran Gianna Gaudini has an intriguing title: “Million Dollar Event Planning Career Course.” While graduates of the course probably won’t be pushing Bill Gates off the top-earner list any time soon, they will learn how to become strategic meeting professionals who can command top dollar for their services, Gaudini promises.

Prevue recently caught up with Gaudini, who currently is Global Head of Events, Training and Certification at Amazon Web Services. A former Google Marketing Events leader and former Global Head of Events for the SoftBank Vision Fund, she also wrote the Amazon best-selling book, The Art of Event Planning which, together with this online course, is part of her master plan to help planners take their careers to the next level.

Prevue: Who would most benefit from taking this course?

gianna guadini
Author and event professional Gianna Gaudini

Gaudini: This course is ideal for any professional in the events/meetings industry who is looking to take their career to the next level and become a true events pro and increase their financial gain. It is also a valuable resource for those just starting off in event planning, and those looking to make a career change in events.

Prevue: What are some of the main content areas a learner can expect to understand after taking the course?

Gaudini: Students will learn how to be strategic event planners, and how to improve the ROI from their events. They will learn strategies for managing teams and working with key stakeholders effectively, how to elevate themselves as star events professionals through uniquely tested processes and strategies, and how to effectively negotiate contracts. Additionally, they will learn all about content creation and how to source speakers strategically, how to build a community, drive more engagement both live and virtually, how to source unique venues (live and virtual) and how to plan events that are sustainable and inclusive. Finally, learners will receive a chapter on my “secret sauce” steps to taking events to the next level and making them more memorable and impactful than other events.

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Prevue: How much does it cost and how long can learners expect it to take to complete?

Gaudini: The course costs $495 for five hours of on-demand content, including 30 exercises and 10 downloadable cheat-sheets. A special discount code has been created to give Prevue readers — 20% off through March 1st: Just enter PREVUE20 at the checkout.

Prevue: Could you talk a bit about how you chose to make this course edutainment rather than straight-up education? What are the benefits to learners of this approach?

Gaudini: In an approach similar to that I took with my Amazon-best-selling book, The Art of Event Planning, I wanted to educate readers using a tool that is effective for event content as well and that is incorporating storytelling and anecdotes into each lesson. The course is chock full of my personal career anecdotes from Google, SoftBank Vision Fund, Amazon, VMware and other Fortune 500 companies, as well as my personal life. This approach makes the lessons enjoyable to view and also facilitates learning and retention. In fact, studies have shown that people tend to retain more when content is provided in story form (this is why TED speakers always open with a personal story!), which is why I made the course “edutaining.”

Prevue: Anything else readers should know about this course?

Gaudini: I’m so thrilled with the content and production quality of the course (thanks to my partners, The BuzzLab) that I will guarantee satisfaction or your money back.

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