EIC Updates CMP Standards & Will Revise Test











EIC has released an update to the Certified Meeting Professional International Standards (CMP-IS)—which will be the foundation for a revised CMP exam and related study materials, both to be released in August 2025.

The new exam will be Beta tested beginning April 1, 2025 and the EIC are seeking volunteers to take the exam, touting it as a way to give back to the global CMP community, help shape the future of the industry and set the bar for future CMPs.

“As our sector continues to evolve, adapt and innovate, the CMP programme is evolving to ensure its relevance now and into the future,” said EIC President and CEO Amy Calvert in a media release. “The updates to the competencies and domains will help ensure CMPs are well positioned to lead and innovate in the modern events landscape.”

View and download the updated CMP International Standards

The update is the culmination of a multi-year competency profile project involving more than 1,000 CMP and CMP Fellow volunteer SMEs who have provided insights and support to revise the CMP International Standards, which are the foundation for the CMP exam.

The project included a special task force, a global survey of business event professionals, regionally diverse focus groups, bias and validity testing and countless hours of analysis.

What This Means for Future CMPs

  • If you would like to take the current test, plan to complete the exam no later than March 31, 2025.
  • If you would like to be considered for the Beta Exam group, please complete the interest form at EIC’s site. Note: In appreciation for your help, EIC is offering Beta Exam participants a $425 USD discount on the exam fees; a complimentary copy of the EIC Manual, a $99 USD value; and a complimentary Sustainable Event Professional Certificate course, a $495 USD value.
  • The EIC will supply links to study materials.
  • Once the Beta Exam closes, there will be a two-month blackout period while the test scores are validated. No testing will be done during this period.
  • Questions: Consult EIC’s Frequently Asked Questions.
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