Tag: IRF
Hybrid and Remote Workforce Calls for an Incentives Rethink
A new study by the Incentive Research Foundation explores what companies need to do now to attract, retain and motivate remote and hybrid staff.
Industry Meetings: Roaring Back in 2023 and Beyond
Meeting and incentive industry conferences on the calendar for 2023 and beyond.
Incentive Travel 2022: Full Steam Ahead
The Incentive Research Foundation predicts a strong incentive travel rebound in 2022, especially in domestic locations.
Top Incentive Trends: Budgets on the Rise in 2022
Incentive trends research shows budgets and spending are on the rise, but is it enough to motivate today’s increasingly remote workforce?
2022 Meeting Industry Shows
Save the dates for these 2022 meeting industry shows, including Prevue's own Visionary Summit Series
Incentive Outlook for 2022: 5 Key Trends
The latest IRF Outlook Study found a number of key indicators for a healthier incentive environment in the coming year, although there are still some COVID-related caveats.
Changing Definition of Wellness
Roundtables led by a team from the Incentive Research Foundation and Prevue reveal a changing definition of wellness among meeting planners.
19 Niche Event Industry Associations
There's an event industry association geared to meet the needs of every niche.
Attendees’ New Definition of Wellness
The COVID pandemic is shifting attendees’ perspective on the very definition of wellness and how it plays out in meetings and incentives.
IRF to Require Proof of Vaccination
The IRF has updated its health and safety protocols to require proof of vaccination for all attendees at its 2021 Leadership Insights Forum.
The Incentive Research Foundation...
IRF Study Shows Enthusiasm for Incentive Travel
A study by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) into destination preferences has shown that enthusiasm for incentive travel remains high.
Event Mask Policies: 3 Strategies
Event mask policies got a little trickier this spring when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that fully vaccinated people can resume...
IRF Event Protocols Model Best Practice
The IRF Education Invitational has made its health and safety protocols available as an example of best practice for large gatherings.
5 Industry Meetings Taking Place in 2021
While the industry prepares for an anticipated recovery after the disruption of 2020, several of the biggest industry meetings are set to take place...