Tags Vaccines

Tag: vaccines

vaccine mandate

3 Strategies for Meeting in States with Vaccine Mandate Laws

What’s a planner to do if the event organizer wants to require proof that attendees are fully vaccinated, but they are meeting in a destination where the state law prohibits vaccine mandates?
Las Vegas

Las Vegas Events Undeterred by Cancellation

Other major upcoming Las Vegas events are expected to go ahead as planned, following the recent cancellation of the NAB's October convention.

Keep Your Vaccination Card Safe

Being able to demonstrate proof of vaccination is becoming an important factor for safe travel - but what should you do with your card?

GBTA Video on Science of COVID-19 Vaccines

A video by the Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Amanda Hagen on the science of COVID-19 explores the impact of vaccinations on travel.

Vaccines and Travel

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who will be chief medical adviser to President-Elect Joe Biden, told Newsweek Magazine that it’s possible that COVID-19 vaccines will become mandatory in order to travel to other countries.

COVID Vaccine Becomes Reality

Moderna is seeking emergency authorization to begin ramping up the race to begin a COVID-19 vaccine, key to getting meetings and events up and running once again.

COVID-19 Vaccine

Many experts believe it will take a coronavirus vaccine to get international travel going again and there are many in the works.

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