5 Ways Millennials Lead the Wellness Revolution

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Wellness Revolution

Millennials are the largest generation to date, with 92 million individuals born between the years of 1980 and 2000, according to a study by Goldman Sachs. As this generation moves into its prime spending years, it will start to shape  everything from our economy, defining how we buy and sell, to how we take care of ourselves. Perhaps the busiest and most plugged in generation to date, millennials continue to put a major focus on wellness as a means to finding a work-life balance. Here are five ways millennials are leading the wellness revolution that meeting planners can incorporate into events.

Having a Holistic Approach to Health

Compared to older generations who define healthy as “not sick,” millennials define it as a daily commitment to eating right, exercising and being mindful, naming “happiness” as a key priority.

Incorporating Diet-like Trends into Everyday Regimens

Even though millennials have been labeled “the foodie generation,” they practice healthier eating habits through an everything-in-moderation approach. Instead of following diet fads, they make healthy eating a part of their everyday routine and emphasize the importance of knowing the source of their food.

Practicing Alternative, Social Workouts

Millennials are spending less time at the gym and more time in alternative, group exercise atmospheres. Yoga, cycling and Zumba classes are combined with post-workout social hours.

Unplugging to Meditate

In addition to eating right and exercising, millennials emphasize meditation as a means to overall well-being. Meditation apps are on the rise, making it easier than ever for millennials to incorporate this into a part of their daily routine.

Using Fitness Apps

According to a study by Communispace, 27 percent of millennials used a fitness app in the last year to track their activity. Meeting planners can follow this trend by creating a competition that encourages attendees to track their own steps over the course of three days, a week or even a month.

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