5 Healthy Tips for Meetings This Fall
A 15-minute yoga session or Zumba class can provide a much-needed boost of energy that will last longer than a shot of espresso.
4 Out-of-the-Box Gift Ideas for Millennials
Where in the past brands and labels might have been important to winners, this generation of younger attendee prefers to choose his or her pillow gifts at an amenity bar.
5 Ideas for Entertaining Millennials
When it comes to entertaining Millennials, your concepts must be magnetic for maximum attraction.
5 Tips for Negotiating with Hotels
There is nothing better than having a Plan B when negotiating with the hotel that you prefer.
10 Tips for Cutting F&B Costs
If table wine is to be served with a meal, place only one wine glass on the table and schedule wine to be served after the salad plates have been cleared.
5 Tips for Adding Networking to Your Event
These Ideas for getting attendees talking and networking originated from a working group at MPI's 2015 European Meetings & Events Conference—but they apply to all meetings.
6 Tips for A Successful Site Inspection
Make the site inspection more than a walk-though by sharing information about the purpose of your meeting and developing a relationship with your salesperson.
7 Pros and Cons of Meeting Hashtags
For events where there is a lot of learning and buzz, creating an event hashtag makes sense. For others, it might not.
IACC Announces Top 10 Conference Food Trends for 2015
The International Association of Conference Centers (IACC) released their “Top 10 Conference Food Trends for 2015” report this week, following research culled from 400 IACC members.
5 Things to Look For When Choosing a DMC
From their industry involvement to their company values, here are a few considerations when searching for a DMC.
3 VAT Questions Answered by the Experts
Experts Jean-François Benard and Marc Lieber of BC&A answer 3 important questions about the European value-added tax.
5 Techniques for Increasing Attendee Engagement
Meetings and events that increase attendee engagement will dominate the coming year, according to the 2015 Event Industry Trends report.