With 2016 fast approaching, it’s important for meeting planners to look ahead and see what’s trending in the marketplace. Havas PR released its annual trends report, and here are five of those trends that could have an affect on the corporate events industry.
- Tech Addiction: As people rely more on smart devices, it’s becoming more socially acceptable for attendees to text during meetings or have their phones out at dinner; however, this can draw people apart. Meeting planners can expect to see programs about cyber self control becoming as popular as diet or exercise programs at events.
- App Attack: In just a few years, apps have become the go-to solution for problems, and “there’s an app for that” has become a common phrase. Just like building websites has become consumer-oriented, meeting planners can expect something similar with a DIY apps economy in the near future.
- Getting Smarter: The popularity of smart devices has led to the creation of a variety of smart technologies. Everything from smart watches to smart shoes to smart garments are starting to become the new norm.
- Smaller Cities on the Rise: As affordability and livability have become growing concerns in big, global cities, smaller cities are gaining in popularity. With them will come more regional centers, drawing groups away from overcrowded and overpriced global destinations.
- All About Experience: As the workplace concept changes, employees will need to adapt to new tools and technologies. As such, internships, workshops and mentoring will serve key benefits to advancing business.