Enhance Event Personalization Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, event personalization, big data, Freeman,
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

With the use of technology and big data becoming commonplace, attendees almost expect personalized content the second they start thinking about attending an event.

Similarly, that means meeting planners are looking for ways to create event personalization before attendees even step onto the trade-show floor.

That being said, meeting planners need to remember the basics from which to build a strong event foundation. Having influential speakers in a flashy setting is important, but the simple basics of food, transportation and communication need to happen first. At the very core, attendees have basic human needs that need to be satisfied before advancing to an event’s next step.

In an interesting article by Niru Desai, vice president, strategy international for Freeman, she discusses how Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can help enhance event personalization. The first level of hierarchy starts with the attendee’s initial point of contact with the event experience. From there, meeting planners can focus on what attendees consider to be valuable, how they will interact and connect, and what ultimately could be their biggest takeaway from the event. This article can help meeting planners better understand the different event stages from an attendee’s point of view, which in turn can help create a valuable, personalized experience.

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