Tag: COVID-19
Post-COVID-19 Disinfection
A full-body disinfection booth is being tested at Hong Kong International Airport that may be used post-COVID-19 to increase safety.
Roger Dow: A New Landscape
Industry insiders agree that the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has changed meetings and conventions forever and we turned to Roger Dow for his insights.
Hong Kong Looks to the Future
The Hong Kong Tourism Board has released plans for tourism development and the strategic framework of its recovery plan in light of COVID-19.
Padraic Gilligan on New Normal
Prevue has turned to the experts in the meetings and incentives industry for their predictions of how the pandemic will reshape the landscape.
Which Airlines Require Masks?
Following Jet Blue's announcement as the first of the major airlines to require masks for passengers and crew, the Association of Flight Attendants this week put out a statement urging that this become a mandate across all carriers.
Mike Dominguez on the Comeback
Mike Dominguez, president and CEO of ALHI, weighs in on what meetings and incentives will look like post-COVID-19 in both the short and long term.
New Normal at August Summit
Industry insiders agree that the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has changed the meetings and conventions industry irrevocably and will result in a new normal.
New Relief Package: Act Now
This additional $310 billion will go much more quickly than the first round, "as the pipeline is full of those who applied and missed out initially, as well as others who have since located a bank willing to take their application."
We Will Meet Again
Smart Fleet’s office is closed, its employees are working virtually and its CEO stresses, “We will meet again.”
It’s Wait and See for Meeting Planners
"Wait and see" appears to be the prevailing approach for many organizations, according to a just-released survey of 295 meeting professionals who follow Prevue in print and online.
Greater Miami’s COVID-19 Help
As the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic continues, the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association have teamed up to help.
Difficulty With the CARES Act
Meeting professionals hope the CARES Act will help, but some have had difficulty getting funding and others say it will be just a drop in the bucket.
Giving Back During COVID-19
As the unprecedented COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to impact the world, many organizations are giving back and doing what they can to help.
CVBs and DMOs Marketing Hope
As CVBs and DMOs deal with travel restrictions due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, many are marketing hope.