How to Create an Instagram-worthy Event

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Instagram, Snapchat, Instagram-worthy events, social media, photo sharing

Instagram continues to make waves in the social media world with more than 600 million monthly active users.

Its Instagram Stories platform even reached 150 million daily users outdoing Snapchat—which reported about the same number of users for its entire app last June—at its own game. Needless to say, Instagram users are so active that they can make a powerful impression on your event. Here are five ways to create Instagram-worthy moments at your next event or meeting.

Encourage Self-Expression

Does your event stand for a cause? Creating T-shirts, posters or wall spaces for attendees to fill-in-the-blanks with their personal opinions is a surefire way to encourage some thought-provoking Instagram posts.

Create a Photo Booth or Video Room

The photo booth continues to be popular at events. Props and fun backgrounds allow attendees to get creative with their photography. But you can take it a step further by creating a video room. With the new Instagram Stories platform, attendees are looking for places to shoot memorable video to share with their followers.

Get the Lighting Right

Walking into a dark ballroom with purple lighting can certainly set an edgy tone, but it’s horrible for pictures. It creates a Barney-the-dinosaur purple glow that makes photos of event décor and even attendee faces too dark and discolored for sharing. Remember to create spaces that are well lit and provide some sort of focal point for the ultimate selfie moment.

Make It Personal

Everyone loves seeing his or her name in writing, whether it’s on a table-setting place card or lit up on the big screen. Creating something personal for attendees to prove that they’re physically attending an event makes it more Instagram-worthy.

See also  Finding the Joy at Meetings

Add Must-Snap Characters

Celebrities, life-size characters and especially puppies provide the best photo-ops that will surely get some likes on Instagram. After all, who doesn’t want their picture taken with a cute puppy?

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