Are you considering going back to school or getting a meeting planning certification? The Event Planning & Event Management LinkedIn group posed that question to its members recently.
Those who had pursued or were considering pursuing meeting planning certifications shared their experiences. (Responses have been kept anonymous.)
“I believe it depends on which certification. I’ve nearly completed the Sustainable Event Alliance, Accredited Professionals, which will benefit me in all aspects of daily life as well as the event industry.”
“I have received my CMP certification & CMM. Time was worth it to learn & get certifications. I think when interviewing it sets you apart from the competition so I do not think it is a waste of time. Since CMP is so common these days I would suggest CMM if doable. But honestly, what is more important is the experience and interest that you put in your work. People don’t ask for a certificate when they contact me. People ask  ‘what you do.’ “
“I have heard very positive ROI with the Cornell Hospitality Certification, but it costs between $3,000 and $5,000.”
“I’ve recently finished my postgraduate degree at Event Academy. Now I am holding a Level 7 degree (same level as a MSc) accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing. I checked all the masters courses in London and decided on the Events Academy in the end. It was really cost-/time-effective. At the end of my course, i went to job interviews which were arranged by the academy and they hired me before my internship ended. With a business and economics BSc and a little experience in events, I really needed that and now I am very happy with my investment.”
“I have recently completed my Diploma of Events/Travel & Tourism and it has not opened any doors for me whatsoever. In this world it’s not what you know or what you can do but who you know.”