Take the Healthy Meetings Pledge—We Are!

healthy meetingsAttendees at Prevue’s upcoming Meet Well Summit, August 17-19 at Lake Nona Wave Hotel in Orlando, will be taking the Healthy Meetings Pledge and we are designing the meeting around NANA’s Healthy Meetings Toolkit.

The National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) Healthy Meetings Toolkit is meant to help planners create a culture of health and wellness at their events by offering truly healthy F&B choices, creating a social norm around healthier behaviors at their events, offering physical activities that are relevant to their attendees, provide a tobacco-free environment, and prioritize sustainability practices when possible.

The toolkit offers guidance in four areas: nutrition, physical activity, tobacco-free environments and sustainability. Within each topic area are guidances for those who want to achieve the Standard Healthy Meeting, and those who want to take the next step and make their event a Superior Health Meeting. Planners can mix and match the level they want to achieve in each area based on their organization and their attendees.

The toolkit includes a general section that covers the rationale for why healthy meetings are in everyone’s best interest, some health meeting FAQs, how to work with hotels and caterers, and a model evaluation. Then it breaks it down by topic area with a wealth of practical and applicable information about how to achieve a healthier meeting in each topic area.

For example, the nutrition section includes everything from sample menus and cooking techniques to suggestions on ways to make it easier to make healthy F&B choices, to portion sizes and food safety tips. The physical activity section offers advice on how to introduce physical activity in a non-obtrusive way, as well as tips on accommodating those with physical disabilities and how to choose a venue that will best support your group’s activity goals.

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You can sign onto the Healthy Meeting Pledge at healthymeetings.org to show your acknowledgement that healthy meetings help to create an environment that supports attendees’ own work to improve their health.

Learn more and download the toolkit, pledge and other materials at https://www.cspinet.org/protecting-our-health/nutrition/healthy-meetings.

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