Why Roundtables Work

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roundtablesAmong the most popular trends that are paramount in the business world, roundtables and knowledge-sharing events are increasingly gaining momentum. This has been possible thanks to the unique qualities of these incredibly resourceful platforms.

For decades – during less innovative business times – many leaders resisted sharing their personal industry knowledge, mistakenly believing that they would somehow lose their competitive value if they did. Today, this vision is outdated and roundtables are shining as effective business tools.

That’s because information, when used wisely, is the transformative force behind innovation and creation. The power of collective knowledge lies in businesses helping each other thrive: whilst a success story can inspire others, a less victorious tale will serve as a warning, preventing other organizations from taking the same route.

Similarly, staying on top of the latest trends and business techniques becomes much easier when an organization is open to sharing first-hand experience with their peers. Forward-thinking leaders know that keeping up with the times is key to success.

While expert talks, panel discussions, and keynote speeches all present very valid contributions to workplaces around the world, more intimate roundtables offer an equitable, hierarchy-free space for companies to share their knowledge in a more confidential setting.

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, knowledge-sharing is the way forward. Exchanging insights amongst experts has become one of the most important resources for companies to thrive and not partaking can equal to a missed opportunity. We have pinpointed five unique benefits of knowledge-sharing events:

  1. Roundtables are among the most versatile corporate events
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The negative impacts of the current global health crisis is clear to most of us. All around the world, events that are considered industry staples had to be cancelled for the year, leaving the future of businesses in the unknown.

Thanks to their versatile nature, roundtables can be easily transferred to the virtual medium, meaning business leaders don’t have to miss out on the valuable opportunity to engage in constructive discussion with one other.

  1. Roundtables are an equal learning opportunity for all participants

Roundtables and knowledge-sharing events create a space for all participants to share their knowledge and insights among peers. Breaking the dynamic of speaker vs audience means everyone will get their turn to talk and provide their valuable contribution.

Connecting with business professionals from all walks of life allows every participant to bring something unique to the table. This is an incredibly beneficial tool for sharing knowledge around business trends, as well as brainstorming solutions to common challenges. When a group holding similar job titles but from different sectors and markets, the knowledge shared can be invaluable.

  1. Roundtables offer a pleasant space for peers to share their knowledge

The equitable, hierarchy-free environment of roundtable discussions often allows the conversation between participants to flow nicely. Leading marketing companies, like ​The Ortus Club​, organize roundtables that provide a neutral, pitch-free environment focused on creating a relaxed atmosphere for decision-makers to come together and share their experiences on specific topics in an informal and friendly manner. ​The presence of an impartial and engaging moderator also guarantees the exchange of ideas to be lively and fresh. All of this makes a pleasant way to spend an otherwise mundane couple of working hours.

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  1. Roundtables provide networking opportunities

Beside providing exciting insights on industry trends and topics, roundtables offer senior executives the opportunity to connect with leaders from similar fields. Building rapport within the community can be mutually beneficial and even lead to future partnerships and collaborations.

For all these reasons, forward-thinking professionals worldwide are recognizing the value of roundtables and knowledge-sharing events. In this ever-changing world, roundtables are one of the most powerful and flexible event formats available.

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