Tags Business travel

Tag: business travel


Have Vaccine, Ready to Travel

This summer, we will see a historic shift in travel, with leisure travelers who now have had their vaccine driving demand and hotel occupancy continuing its upward trend.
business travelers

Business Travelers Can’t Wait to Travel Again

A new survey tracking experiences of business travel has found that 64 percent of business travelers enjoy their job less without travel.
coronavirus numbers

Shrinking Coronavirus Numbers Inspire Optimism

Daily coronavirus numbers in the United States fell in all 50 states for the first time in months, creating a renewed sense of optimism across the industry.

News From GBTA & ACTE

There's big news from the two major corporate travel associations, including the closure of ACTE and a reshuffling of leadership at GBTA.

REAL ID Delayed

The Department of Homeland Security has extended the deadline for REAL ID by 12 months to October 1, 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic—but travel industry experts say the country will still be in recovery mode then.

How Do Meeting Planners Use TripAdvisor?

We asked meeting planners when they click on TripAdvisor—and how it helps in their jobs.
frequent flier

Frequent Flier? 10 Articles to Make Life Easier

Prevue turned to the people who know best—frequent flier meeting planners—for tips to make your life easier when you travel.
business travel, meetings

5 Tips for Making Business Travel Easier

We all know that business travel can be grueling—but it doesn't have to be torture. So Prevue turned to a few road warriors for their tips for making it more fun.
road warriors, meeting

8 Must-Read Articles for Road Warriors

Prevue turned to the people who know best—meeting planner road warriors—for tips to make life easier when you travel.
craziest 2019 travel tech, meetings

Craziest 2019 Travel Tech, Starting With Robot Valets

Some of BCD Travel's craziest 2019 travel tech predictions range from space travel to airport robot valets to Alexa tracking your flight.
Unico Hotel Riviera Maya, Research and Markets, luxury hotels, luxury hotel market, luxury hotel report, luxury

Luxury Hotel Market to Reach $20 Billion by 2022

The rise in number of business travelers and change in customer lifestyles have really fueled the demand for luxury stays.

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